
In the 1970s, the US Mobility Equipment Research & Design Command (MERDC) developed a camouflage pattern color system for vehicles of the United States Army. This consisted of a color scheme of standardized patterns for each vehicle, to be used with twelve colors. This set includes all the tones needed to represent the Gray and Red Desert patterns.

6 x 17 ml./0.57 fl.oz. Model Air

71.291 US Earth Yellow
71.138 US Sand
71.293 US Earth Red
71.139 US Field Drab
71.057 Black
70.522 Satin Varnish

Фарба за брендом Vallejo
Vallejo серія фарб Model Air
Vallejo фарби за типом Matt
Vallejo набори фарб Modern AFV Color Sets (включає схеми камуфляжу)
Об'єм 17 мл
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