Kriegsmarine WWII German Colors
1 093,00 ₴
В наявності
Vallejo 71.615
Selection of colors for painting WWII war ships most common in service in Germany, such as submarines and support vessels. The colors selected for this set are the closest possible to available historical references.
8 x 17 ml/0.57 fl oz Model Air
71.012 Dark Green
71.049 Sea Grey
71.050 Light Gray
71.051 Neutral Gray
71.084 Fire Red
71.119 White Grey
71.121 Light Gull Gray
70.522 Satin Varnish
Фарба за брендом | Vallejo |
Vallejo серія фарб | Model Air |
Vallejo фарби за типом | Matt |
Vallejo набори фарб | Model Air Sets (включає покрокову інструкцію та схеми камуфляжу) |
Об'єм | 17 мл |
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