IDF Colors
880,00 ₴
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Vallejo 71.210
This set includes the Olive Drab used on the operative vehicles in the beginning of the 1956 Sinai War, the 67 Sand Grey color used in the beginning of the Six Days War, the 73 Sand Grey of the Yom Kippur conflict, the 82 Sinai Grey deployed in Lebanon and the actual shade of 87 Tan Green.
6 x 17 ml./0.57 fl.oz. Model Air
71.043 US Olive Drab
70.614 IDF I. Sand Grey 61-73
71.141 IDF Sand Grey 73
71.142 IDF Sinai Grey 82
71.023 Hemp
70.522 Satin Varnish
Фарба за брендом | Vallejo |
Vallejo серія фарб | Model Air |
Vallejo фарби за типом | Matt |
Vallejo набори фарб | Modern AFV Color Sets (включає схеми камуфляжу) |
Об'єм | 17 мл |
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