
A Warhammer 40,000 Novel

The Ork kill kroozer Big Thumpa is under new management – Da Red Gobbo led his revolushunary grots to a famous victory, taking the ship for their own. But he's still not satisfied…


Against almost impossible odds, and armed only with his wit and pilfered gubbinz, Da Red Gobbo is in for the fight of his life… not that that’s stopped him before. Join Da Revolushun!


When Big Thumpa crashes on a barren world ruled by the warboss Brukka Bludspilla and his brutal Snakebites, Da Red Gobbo passes the mantle on to his second-in-command, Slipbit.

Reluctant, but feeling the weight of responsibility, Slipbit sets about liberating the grots under Bludspilla’s command… but the warboss will not give up his possessions that easily.

Written by Justin Woolley.

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Книги Black Library за тематикою Black Library, Warhammer 40000
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